Trauma Oil Recipe : 7 Powerful Ingredients for Effective Healing

The Trauma Oil recipe is a simple blend of three infused botanical oils that can help soothe pain, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. It consists of equal parts of arnica, calendula, and St. John’s wort infused oils, which are known for their therapeutic properties.

This powerful combination of oils can be used topically to relieve bruises, sprains, sore muscles, and other trauma-related injuries. By infusing the oils with these healing botanicals, you can create a natural and effective remedy for various types of trauma.

We will explore the steps to make your own Trauma Oil and discuss its benefits and uses. Let’s dive in!

Introduction To Trauma Oil And Its Healing Properties

Trauma oil is a powerful healing remedy with a rich history of usage. Made from a blend of potent herbs, it provides relief for various ailments and promotes holistic healing. This all-natural oil has been used for centuries due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

It is especially effective in reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling associated with bruises, sprains, muscle strains, and joint pain. Trauma oil’s healing benefits extend beyond physical injuries as it can also assist in the recovery process for emotional trauma. Additionally, its gentle nature makes it suitable for all skin types, making it a versatile remedy for various skin conditions.

Whether you’re seeking relief from physical or emotional discomfort, trauma oil can be a soothing and effective solution.

Calendula Flowers: A Potent Anti-Inflammatory Agent

Calendula flowers offer potent anti-inflammatory properties that make them a valuable ingredient in trauma oil. These blossoms are known for their healing properties and can be used to prepare and utilize calendula-infused oil. With its soothing effects and ability to reduce inflammation, this oil is commonly used to alleviate various skin issues, such as eczema, cuts, and bruises.

To prepare calendula-infused oil, simply steep dried calendula flowers in carrier oil for several weeks, allowing the oil to absorb the flower’s therapeutic properties. Once ready, this oil can be applied topically to the affected area to promote healing and reduce inflammation.

Incorporating calendula-infused oil into your skincare routine can provide natural relief for a variety of skin ailments.

Arnica Flowers: Relieving Pain And Reducing Swelling

Arnica flowers are known for their remarkable pain-relieving benefits that can help alleviate discomfort and reduce swelling. Extracting the healing properties of arnica flowers can be done through a simple trauma oil recipe. This recipe involves infusing arnica flowers in a carrier oil, such as olive or almond oil, to create a potent and soothing oil that can be applied topically.

Arnica oil is widely used to treat various traumatic injuries, such as bruises, sprains, and muscle strains. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling, while its analgesic properties provide pain relief. Furthermore, arnica oil can also be beneficial for relieving sore muscles and improving circulation.

By harnessing the power of arnica flowers, you can create a natural remedy that promotes healing and provides comfort for those in need.

St. John’S Wort: A Natural Nerve Soother

St. John’s Wort, a natural herb, has been recognized as a potent nerve soother in trauma oil recipes. When incorporated into healing formulations, this herb plays a vital role in alleviating the effects of trauma. Extracting the benefits of St.

John’s Wort can be done through various methods. This versatile herb is known for its calming and soothing properties, and it can assist in the healing process by minimizing anxiety and stress. By blending St. John’s Wort with other beneficial ingredients, such as arnica and calendula, you can create a powerful trauma oil that promotes relaxation and aids in the recovery from emotional or physical trauma.

The richness of St. John’s Wort’s properties makes it an excellent addition to any trauma oil recipe. Whether you are creating a homemade remedy or using a store-bought product, including St. John’s Wort can enhance the effectiveness of the oil.

Lavender: Promoting Relaxation And Skin Renewal

Lavender oil is renowned for its ability to promote relaxation and rejuvenate the skin. Its calming effects on the nervous system make it an invaluable ingredient in trauma oil recipes. Lavender’s therapeutic properties can aid in healing traumatic injuries by reducing inflammation and pain.

When applied topically, this essential oil can accelerate the healing process and minimize scarring. Its soothing aroma also helps to alleviate stress and anxiety, enhancing overall well-being. Whether used alone or in combination with other oils, lavender oil offers a natural and effective solution for promoting relaxation and supporting the renewal of damaged skin.

With its versatile and beneficial properties, lavender oil is a key ingredient to include in any trauma oil recipe.

Trauma Oil Recipe  : 7 Powerful Ingredients for Effective Healing


Chamomile: An Anti-Inflammatory Solution

Chamomile is a remarkable plant known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Its ability to reduce inflammation makes it a valuable solution for various ailments. When infused with oil, chamomile can be used to create a healing remedy. Chamomile’s anti-inflammatory effects help soothe and calm irritated skin, making it ideal for treating conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and sunburns.

Additionally, this natural ingredient can also alleviate muscle soreness and joint pain. The process of preparing chamomile-infused oil is simple and straightforward. Begin by gathering dried chamomile flowers and carrier oil of your choice. Combine the two ingredients in a glass jar and allow them to infuse for several weeks.

Once the oil has developed a subtle chamomile scent, strain it and transfer it into a dark bottle for storage. This homemade trauma oil can be used topically for its anti-inflammatory properties, promoting healing and relieving discomfort.

Comfrey: Accelerating Wound Healing

Comfrey, a powerful herb known for its wound healing properties, plays a crucial role in accelerating the regeneration of tissues. By incorporating comfrey-infused oil into your trauma oil recipe, you can enhance its healing benefits. This herb contains allantoin, a compound that aids in cell regeneration and promotes the growth of new tissues.

The soothing properties of comfrey help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and speed up the healing process of wounds, cuts, bruises, and burns. To make comfrey-infused oil, simply blend dried comfrey leaves with a carrier oil like olive or almond oil, allowing the mixture to sit for several weeks.

Strain the oil and you’ll have a potent remedy to aid in healing traumatic injuries.

Myrrh: An Antiseptic And Pain Reliever

Myrrh oil, known for its antiseptic properties, is a natural remedy that aids in wound healing. When incorporated into trauma oil recipes, myrrh offers pain relief and can prevent infection. Its potent healing abilities make it an excellent addition to any homemade ointment or salve.

The antiseptic properties of myrrh help cleanse wounds, promoting faster healing. Additionally, myrrh oil acts as a pain reliever, reducing discomfort caused by injuries. Utilizing myrrh oil in trauma oil recipes not only enhances the therapeutic benefits but also contributes to a more effective and soothing remedy.

Whether combined with other essential oils or used as a standalone ingredient, myrrh oil is a valuable addition to any natural first-aid kit.

How To Make Your Own Trauma Oil Blend

Creating your own trauma oil can be an empoweringly simple process. Start by selecting your base oil—such as almond, olive, or coconut oil—which will serve as the carrier. Next, gather your desired herbs, like arnica, St. John’s wort, and calendula flowers, which provide the healing properties.

Carefully infuse the herbs into the base oil by combining them and using a slow heat method. Strain the mixture and store in a cool, dark place for at least four weeks to allow the oil to become potent. Once ready, your trauma oil can be used topically to help alleviate bruises, sprains, aches, and even mild burns.

Feel free to experiment and customize your recipe by adding essential oils or adjusting the herb ratios to suit your specific needs.

Topical Application Techniques For Trauma Oil

Topical application techniques for trauma oil are essential to ensure optimal results. When massaging trauma oil into the affected area, it is important to use gentle methods. Begin by applying a small amount of the oil onto the fingertips and then gently rubbing it onto the skin.

Use circular motions to spread the oil evenly and promote absorption. Avoid applying excessive pressure or vigorous rubbing, as this could cause discomfort or irritation. Take your time when massaging, allowing the oil to penetrate into the skin slowly. Remember to apply trauma oil only to intact skin and avoid using it on open wounds or broken skin.

Additionally, conduct a patch test prior to use to ensure that no adverse reactions occur. Following these precautions and safety measures will help you achieve the best results when applying trauma oil topically.

Specific Uses And Healing Applications

Trauma oil is a versatile and natural remedy that has specific uses and healing applications. It is known for its effectiveness in relieving joint and muscle pain, making it an ideal choice for those suffering from arthritis or sports injuries.

The oil can also be used for treating bruises and sprains, providing a soothing and calming effect on the affected area. Additionally, trauma oil is highly effective in soothing insect bites and stings, providing instant relief from itching and inflammation.

With its natural healing properties, trauma oil is a must-have in every medicine cabinet. Its soothing and rejuvenating effects make it a popular choice for those seeking natural alternatives for pain relief and healing.

Frequently Asked Questions On Trauma Oil Recipe

How Do You Make Trauma Oil?

To make trauma oil, combine equal parts of calendula, arnica, and St. John’s wort infused in a carrier oil. Let steep for about six weeks, then strain and store in a dark bottle.

What Is Trauma Oil Made Of?

Trauma oil is made of a blend of three botanical oils, namely arnica, St. John’s wort, and calendula.

What Essential Oil Blends Help With Trauma?

Essential oil blends for trauma that are helpful include lavender, ylang-ylang, frankincense, and chamomile.

What Is Trauma Essential Oil?

Trauma essential oil is a natural remedy used to promote relaxation and relieve stress after experiencing trauma.


To sum up, the trauma oil recipe is a simple yet effective natural remedy for a variety of ailments. Its combination of powerful healing herbs and oils makes it a versatile solution for soothing and reducing pain, inflammation, and bruising.

By infusing arnica, calendula, and St. John’s Wort in a carrier oil, trauma oil becomes a potent blend that promotes healing and relaxation. Whether you’re dealing with muscle strains, joint soreness, or minor injuries, this DIY remedy can be a valuable addition to your home medicine cabinet.

Moreover, the versatility of trauma oil extends beyond physical trauma, as it can also provide relief from emotional stress and anxiety when used in massage or aromatherapy. With its nutrient-rich ingredients and ease of preparation, trauma oil is a must-have for those seeking a natural and effective solution to support their overall well-being.

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